Sunday, May 8, 2016

I'll Code Up Your Life

     Websites are a crucial entity of completing a comprehensive portfolio in the world of graphics, art and promotion. Learning how to build a website is important if you wish to move on in the world of any type of marketing, public relations or advertising. My website will be used to promote myself by showing examples of my work over my time here at school. Furthermore, it gives insight into my talents and a small background into my life as an individual. Using this website to promote myself will give employers something else to look at besides résumé. This website allows someone wishing to hire me to put a face to a name which is very important in the process of looking for a job. Once more, it allows employers to access any professional social media sites that give more insight into the qualities you can provide.
      Designing this website was interesting. Knowing how design a website has always been a passion. For myself it is possible to figure out what toe do when it concerns the other aspects of the creative suite. However, when it came to designing websites I was falling show. Of course we did not build the website from the ground up. We merely made a few clicks, something that would take you all of five minutes. For us, changing a few characters and connecting a few folders is not what it takes to build a website. However, it began to show the amount of work and time that has to go into building any website. Writing ‘code’ is completely out of my realm and even beginning to learn how to write code takes years and years of experience.
         The moral of the story is that building this website without the help or foundation of the website or code. Without a step-by-step guide to inputting all of the information it would have been almost impossible. When we began to put words into place and pictures where they belong it began to come along. It was fun watching all of the work come together with a couple little clicks and switches. There were a few challenges. If you remove one piece of coding it can ruin the entire thing and if you are not that experienced in working with Dream Weaver it makes it more complicated than it would be for someone that may be very skilled in the program.
     Nevertheless, it was a great opportunity working with Dream Weaver. Even learning the littlest amount of working with a website programs helps with future sites. It was difficult in wrapping your head around the fact that one step could break the entire site. But it shows how important it is organizing files in the right spot. Working with websites is probably the most difficult program to use and entire classes are dedicated to learning how to work them. But in all creating a small but useful website will stay with us.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Dope Logos

FedEx has done an excellent job in expressing the company’s duties within their logo. The design element used inside the word “Ex” creates an arrow to exemplify speed and efficiency. Also, they make a play on the word “Fed”. They have incorporated a spoon in the letter “E”. The colors purple and orange are complimentary therefore, work well as highly recognizable logo.

 Pinterest has also made a play on what their company does. They took the letter “P” and redesigned it to look like a pin used on a pinning board. Also, the color red is a very strong color and is thought of something important. Pinterest is used for saving your favorite ideas and important tips and recipes. 

The iconic Morton Salt logo is a staple in every kitchen in America. The logo is effective because if you were just shown the girl carrying the umbrella and container and salt it is entirely recognizable as the logo of Morton Salt. The tag line “when it rains it pours” is brilliant in regards to when you pout the salt out of the container. 

The World Wildlife foundation is yet another iconic logo. The logo is understood across all languages. So it is effective in expressing the meaning of its purpose, for animals. Simple and elegant in black and white it is easily transferable to any platform and medium. 

Rolex is known for its high quality products and exquisite designs in watches. Therefore, they needed a logo that represented something prestigious. What is color is as prestigious as gold. A gold crown to represent Rolex is a simple and effective message. Their products are fit for a king. On the other hand Rolex is typed in a green font. Green corresponds with the idea of energy and more in relation to this product, money and ambition.

            When you see the name Barbie everyone knows exactly what to picture in his or her mind, blonde, pretty, skinny and a California girl. Although recently that image has changed to market to a wider variety of young girls in all shapes, races and styles. However, the logo and title Barbie has not changed. Although the use of script text is presented it resembles the image of a Barbie and the attitude of the company. The name can also be easily recognizable in black and white.